Kathleen Karlsen Vocal Medicine Healing Mantras & Sacred Symbols

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Watch nearly 200 videos on the Vocal Medicine YouTube channel.

Find improved wellness, create a happy brain and experience emotional balance with mantras. Paperback: Find Vocal Medicine at Amazon & Barnes & Noble Online, $15.95, 186 pages.

Fascinating stories of the folklore, symbolism & uses of the world’s most beloved flowers. Paperback: Find Flower Symbols at Barnes & Noble Online & Amazon, $12.95, 112 pages.

Watch nearly 200 videos on the Vocal Medicine YouTube channel.

Video Publishing Schedule

Look for new videos twice a week on Kathleen’s YouTube channel! Experience the healing power of mantras and music! Includes research and related topics. Delve into the impact of sound on the brain, body and chakras. Discover connections between sound and sacred geometry. Explore the creation of altered states of consciousness through sound. Video shorts are released on Tuesdays and longer videos are released on Fridays. Subscribe today!

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